Are you a stepmother who dreads Mother’s Day?
Or a mother-mother who dreads Mother’s Day?
Or an auntie-parent who dreads Mother’s Day?
As a bonus to my already somewhat overflowing offerings this week, I’m sharing this piece, which I wrote for the Today Show five years back, but which holds up surprisingly well.
What I mean is that in retrospect, I wouldn’t change or update much of this nine-point-plan for step parenting.
Maybe you — or someone in your circle — would benefit from reading this.
CLICK HERE for my story and some video, too
For you, yours, your moms, and for all people who mother — I hope you have a lovely and peaceful day.
[I’m goofing around in Orlando, back at work tomorrow!]
(I’ll be back with a fresh take on a fresh topic in about 10 days…)
Well, this article could not have summed up my feelings about Mothers' Day better - I've been a stepmother to four awesome kids - now 20, 19, 14, and 12 - for a bit over six years now and everything you said I feel, and I've tried to be that person you described. Whew, it's tough!
I love everything you write and appreciate, beyond measure, your insight, wisdom and humor. I’ve loved both of your books and hope that you are working on another. Thank you for being the best thing in my Inbox anytime you post. Enjoy your time in Florida!