A dear friend of mine has just ended a lifelong friendship due to the absolute wackiness of her never-ending conspiracy theories and outright lies. So sad. As former Secretary of Defense James Mattis said, "Trump is the only president in my lifetime who has never tried to unite the American people." We are now divided, perhaps forever. All for one man's ego. Very sad.

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I'm sorry you lost your friend. I am barely hanging on to longtime dear friends, even though we have to totally avoid most current news, especially political news. It does put a damper on socializing, draws lines, keeps us on our toes with little relaxing conversation.

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Molly Ivins is one of my heros. I haven't read her or thought about her in a long while. Now's a good time for a strong dose of her. Thank you.

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Thank you, Amy. As a Texan (who transplanted herself to Colorado) and a lifelong reader and admirer of Molly Ivans, I needed this reminder. I’m going to forward it to all my fellow fighters, because, as always, Molly Ivans is right. I really appreciate you sharing this today. ❤️

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Sorry autocorrect and I didn’t check! Ivins!

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Thank you for this! My favorite campaign button is the one from Evangelicals for Harris, although her name actually appears only in rather small print. The bBIG message is: Faith, not fear. "

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Thanks, Amy. We savored, and laughed along with, every column and book Molly wrote. Something we read or hear will remind us of Molly’s wit and we miss all over again her wisdom and humor which carried us through earlier tough times. Oh, how I wish she was still with us.

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Also, Halloween is my favorite holiday, too, because it’s my birthday! I have always loved being a Halloween baby.

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Happy Birthday!

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thank you for this !!!! i needed it. omfg

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I so wish I had read her when she was writing. I was here in Texas, raising our kids, keeping the house in order, and reading the Dallas paper, not the paper she was writing in. And everyone I knew told me I was a Republican, so I thought they were right, that she was off her rocker. Now, having waked up and learned enough political history to know that I was never a Republican, I wish she were still here. She would really have fun with this mess of a GOP! Thanks for the links!

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