Asking Amy Premier Issue
Wherein I walk the red carpet, armed only with a pencil stuck behind my ear
Sneak Peak Q and A:
Where I give readers advance notice of a topic from the future
Lately (and not surprisingly), most of the questions sent to the “Ask Amy” column are COVID-related.
Dear Amy: I recently had a conversation with a friend that I am still ruminating about.
She shared how she used a loophole to get a COVID vaccination that she really wasn't entitled to receive.
It was as if I should be impressed with how creative and smart she was to game the system.
She then went on to describe how she will now be comfortable eating in restaurants, etc.
I said I was happy for her and changed the subject so I could take time to process this.
Our family is trying to stay patient and wait our turn.
Dear Waiting: There are stories of people standing in line outside vaccination centers to try to receive shots that would otherwise be thrown away if they weren’t used. I’m all for that kind of enterprise.
However, if your friend leapt through a loophole to snag an appointment before her turn, that’s completely unethical.
I have read accounts of how some people have used their connections, money, and privilege to game the system.
Ask yourself – when do we learn important truths about people? During times like these. Your friend is showing you who she is: She is someone who would jump the line (ahead of others who are classified as at greater risk) in order to eat out at a restaurant a few weeks earlier than if she had waited her turn.
And she is bragging about it.
A note of caution: Although COVID numbers are currently falling, as of this writing the CDC has stated that the reduction in infection numbers is likely due to vigilant mask wearing and social distancing during the lengthy vaccination rollout.
Your friend – and others who have been vaccinated – should continue to be cautious.
(Want to submit a question for my advice column? email me at
What I saw this week:
In the age before Instagram, people created archives of hidden treasures:
I love this story, published in The Guardian, about gifted “amateur” photographer Robert Bloomfield’s work documenting life in post-war Edinburgh. Read the story and enjoy this photographer’s stunning captures by clicking on the link below:
Here’s the link:
What I’m reading:
Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times, by Katherine May
After experiencing a mysterious illness, British writer Katherine May was forced to slow down, pull in, and basically retreat from her too-busy life. (The fact that she used this “down time” to research and write a bestselling book was not lost on me…)
May has produced a powerful meditation on our natural need to hibernate. Those of us who are only now starting to emerge from our own forced pandemic-hibernation can learn a lot from this lovely and lyrical book.
What I’m watching
The waning days of late winter call for comfort-viewing. I prescribe the absolutely wonderful show “Ted Lasso,” currently streaming on Apple TV. Jason Sudekis stars as an American football coach who moves to the UK to take on coaching a struggling professional soccer team — a sport he knows nothing about.
This is the rare comedy that succeeds by breaking all the rules, including this one: IT’S NICE. Sudekis just won a Golden Globe, they just got the go-ahead for a second season, and I couldn’t be happier.
What I’m listening to:
“The History of Sketch Comedy” — by Keegan-Michael Key
This 11-part audio series (free on Audible) has helped get me through the winter. Sketch genius Keegan-Michael Key starts with "Episode One: The Earth Cooled.” Key is one of those rare people who, in addition to his obvious talents, also seems to be a deep thinker. This series is funny, smart, enlightening and entertaining. And no two drink minimum!
Over the last 18 months, I’ve lost a little over 20 pounds. (More on this in future editions.)
This week I followed a suggestion from my pal, the comedian Paula Poundstone, who has been doing pushups twice a day, adding one pushup each week. Paula is up to 17 — I started with 5. Upper body: quite literally NOT my strong suit. But the lesson I can pass along regarding health and fitness is this:
You have to start where you are.
Here’s a link to Paula’s book: There’s Nothing in This Book I Meant to Say:
What a great idea! This is super interesting, thanks for the invite :)
Enthusiastically subscribing!